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My Mastering's philosophy


I put my listening expertise at the service of your project. I think every track is unique, and deserves a fresh and trained pair of ears to give it the attention it needs. Mastering is often seen as a technical step only, but I think it doesn't end there. For me, mastering is also artistic and aesthetic, and it is important to me to finalize your project with the color that suits it best.



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Stereo Mastering

Mastering is the last step before the commercial life of a musical project. It transforms the mix into a finished product, highlighting the strengths of each track, correcting any problems. It is an essential, very technical work, requiring a holistic approach to sound and a deep artistic sensibility close to goldsmithing.


My mastering service, is aimed at musicians, producers and labels around the world. 

Each production received goes through artistic and analytical listening in order to determine its strengths and weaknesses. Then, a processing chain is established according to the musical genre and your indications, with very high level analog and digital equipment to obtain the best sound.

Stems Mastering

Stem-mastering is a hybrid practice between mixing and mastering. The idea is to group audio tracks by family (stems) to provide the sound engineer with more content than a classic stereo file. It is generally agreed that 5 to 8 stems is the right compromise to take advantage of the flexibility of the stems without straying too far from the spirit of mastering.




Loudness & Dynamics

Anyone interested in music cannot ignore the damage caused by "loudness war", this devastating volume race for recordings! Deprived of its dynamics, the music is reproduced without nuances.

For the love of music

I'm a big fan of all gendra of music.


Listening to music and working on it, make it sound better is what I really enjoy doing everyday. It's the best job in the world for me and I'll do my best 

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